Our struggle is huge and constant. One of our goals is to enable involvement of Serbian patients in the clinical research of drugs specialized for potential treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Each of our steps is big, each of our words is big, and our battle is equal in size to the universe.

And to this struggle no end shall ever be, And the impossible shall be


What we have is so small compared to what we desire, but still we are happy for not having to fight this battle alone.


We often wish for great things to come on their own; through the support of our loved ones – everything is within reach.


We have had a chance to help others so many times. It takes so little to show that we are human.


I wish for so much and I hope I will soon be walking that road


We are so brave that we don’t find anything hard


Only those who have never entered a battle, never had a chance of winning. We are true fighters.

Let our words echo, let our struggle be so great that e can smile and say – WE DID IT!

Stepping into the next year healthy

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